Sheepdog Tip of the Day, After Combat tip 32

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The day after a major school shooting, I was in the school explaining the debriefing process to the teachers who had just survived that horrific event. I explained that they should not feel guilty about any initial concern they had for themselves during the tragedy, because such an emotion was a perfectly normal response to such extraordinary violence. I told them that it is similar to when the stewardess on an airliner tells them that if there is a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down, and they should put on theirs before they help small children. The first response of the organism is to take care of itself first, and that is okay, because that is simply the law of nature. After I explained this to those teachers, several of them laid their heads down on a table and began to sob with relief. They were relieved and comforted to learn that what they had experienced was normal.

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, On Combat

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